Wednesday, December 7, 2011

EM 11g Grid Control for monitoring weblogic server and OIM

There are several ways to monitor the health of weblogic, discussed WLDF in a prior post as one way.  Another traditional approach include installation and configuration of Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control product. Below are the steps for configuring notification and alerts.
  1. Access
  2. enter username and password of a super administrator 
  3. Navigate to Deployments and click Install Agent
  4. Click Fresh Install
  5. Select Default for source directory
  6. agent source software version ( is used in this article)
  7. Select host (linux x86-64)
  8. host
  9. OS credential (oracle/xxxx)
  10. un select on run (this requires sudo to root)
  11. installation directory /home/oracle/oracle_em_agent
  12. Click continue, unchecked security updates forms
  13. wait for confirmation on installation agent
  14. login to, navigate to /home/oracle/oracle_em_agent/agent11g and run
  15. Navigate to Targets -> Middleware for adding a host for discovery
  16. Enter admin server hostname (
  17. port number - 7001
  18. username - weblogic
  19. password
  20. Unique Domain Identifier - sandbox_oimdomain
  21. Agent - use the search light and select as needed
  22. Press continue -> EM will find all teh targets (weblogic server, domains etc) -> Click ADd targets 
  23. Now we go about setting notifications rules and schedule
  24. Click Setup -> Notification Methods 
  25. Enter SMTP Server (
  26. Username and password if required
  27. Identify Sendar as - EM Grid Control 11
  28. Sender E-mail address (
  29. click test email servers to test email notifications
  30. click preferences -> add e-mail address ( and choice message format (long format)
  31. click Notification Rules
  32. Click create 
    1. General -
    2. Name - Sandbox sample nitification rule
    3. Selct Make public
    4. Target Type - Oracle Weblogic Server
    5. select apply rule to specified oracle weblogic server targets or groups .............
    6. ADd targets that you prefer to, I added wls_oam1, wls_oim1, wls_ods1, wls_soa1, admin server
  33. Click Availability, I selected up, down, agent unreachable
  34. Add by selecting metrics if needed (you can also templatize this as an SLA for each set of targets) using setup -> monitoring template feature
  35. configure their thresholds (i will cover thresholds in another article)
  36. click poilicies and jobs if you want to (advanced features, will cover at a later time)
  37. click actions and select send me e-mail and repeat notification frequency (i left defaults for this)
  38. Create a blackout configuration for planned maintenance to notifications will not be sent
  39. you are all set....
  40. you should be receiving email notifications whenever the threshold criteria is met
Once you are done with the setup, explore playing with targets with type Identity Access Management. These have different set of metrics in comparison to traditional weblogic metrics that are IDM oriented....