Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Forms 11g Webutil configuration

I did the following setup on linux,  with some minor changes mostly path related items the steps below should work for windows server environment as well. Before making change take good backups of your environment.

Steps below are for Forms services 11gR2, steps may vary slightly for 11gR1. Please consult with oracle documentation for detailed steps.

1.       Run create_webutil_db.sql
a.       CREATE USER webutil IDENTIFIED BY webutil
b.      Grant connect, resource to webutil
c.       Connect webutil/webutil
d.      @[ORACLE_HOME]/forms/create_webutil_db.sql
e.      Create public synonym webutil_db for webutil.webutil_db;
f.        Connect sys as sysdba
g.       Grant execute on webutil_db to public;
a.       Unzip the jacob download and place jacob.jar in the ORACLE_HOME/forms/java directory
b.      backup sign_webuitl.bat script in [ORACLE_INSTANCE]/bin/sign_webutil.sh
c.       search for <Your KEYSTORE password> and replace it with welcome1 (or something like this)
d.      search for <Your private key password> and replace it with welcome1 (or something like this)
e.      Save the script and use it to sign jacob.jar as below
f.        [ORACLE_INSTANCE]/bin/sign_webutil.sh [ORACLE_HOME]/forms/java/jacob.jar
3.       Place jacob.dll in the ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil/ directory
4.       Jacob.dll in r2 – file names must be verified against webutil.cfg file
a.       Place jacob-1.14.3-x86.dll in the ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil/win32 directory.
b.      Place jacob-1.14.3-x64.dll in the ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil/win64 directory
5.       Using weblogic EM console, Add ORACLE_HOME/forms/java/frmall.jar to the CLASSPATH in the default.env
6.       Update formsweb.cfg webutil section with the following if not already done:
a.       Add frmwebutil.jar and jacob.jar to the WebutilArchive parameter in the [webutil] configuration section. For some versions of 11g, this is already added.
b.       Specify webutil_demo as the form to be run in the [webutil] configuration section
7.       Download webutil demo from link below, extract and put the contents in a folder http://www.oracle.com/ocom/groups/public/@otn/documents/webcontent/196249.zip
8.       Copy ffisamp.dll to the <ORACLE_HOME>\forms\webutil directory.
9.       Open your webutil.cfg file and add the following line install.syslib.0.user.1=ffisamp.dll|40960|1.0|true
10.   If not already done do the following in webutil.cfg
a.       transfer.appsrv.workAreaRoot=c:\temp
b.      transfer.appsrv.accessControl=TRUE
c.       transfer.database.enabled=TRUE
d.      transfer.appsrv.enabled=TRUE
11.   Add the folder in FORMS_PATH in enterprise manager
12.   Replace db and run the following command:
a.       frmcmp.sh module=webutil_demo.fmb module_type=form userid=webutil/webutil@<db> compile_all=yes
b.      FORMS_PATH variable and make sure webutil.pll folder is available in the path or run the above command from command shell in the folder where webutil.pll is available
13.   Restart opmnctl and wls_forms weblogic instance
14.   Run the webutil demo - http://server:port/forms/frmservlet?form=wu_fileupdown_demo&config=webutil

please use reference document with Metalink DOC ID - 1093985.1

Forms 11g DB connection

Add your DB connectivity information in

<oracle home of wls forms and reports>/FrmsInst1/config/tnsnames.ora

After adding it here, your users can now connect using their forms related username, password and DB tnsname

Monday, May 28, 2012

Oracle Forms 11gR2 installation instructions

Make sure there are no spaces in $PATH variable, this is not a problem with unix/linux generally.

Install openmotif and openmotif22 (prerequisites for Reports Server)
yum install openmotif
yum install openmotif22 (update yum repository as described in http://public-yum.oracle.com)
install jdk 1.6 update 30

download weblogic 10.3.5 + coherence + oepe package
install at /formsdisk/Oracle/Middleware

download ofm_frmrpts_linux_11 linux package from oracle and extract
cd Disk1
runInstall -ignoreSysPrereqs
skip software updates
select install only - do not configure
select Oracle middleware home -  /formsdisk/Oracle/Middleware
Name Oracle Home Directory - FrmsHome
Click install

cd /formsdisk/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_FRHome1/
select "configure for deployment"
select and change name of oracle instance location and oracle instance name if needed
provide weblogic username/password - remember this one or write it down somewhere
I select all options available in the configure components screen
select auto options configuration
select do not use proxy configuration setting
uncheck use application identity store
click configure butting

Address any issues, I had the following issue and fixed it:
"Invalid JMX Port"
/etc/hosts file was not configured with ipaddress correctly as i had DHCP in one case and wireless connection in another and had to change this. If you have a static IP this may not be an issue

In case java update 25 or whatever in your formweb.cfg file is required below test url will automatically download it for you on IE browser, firefox can later load the same thing automatically as well.  Vice-versa needs manual configuration in firefox

Test installation:

http://<server_hostname>:8889/forms/frmservlet?form=test.fmx&userid=&o therparams=useSDI=yes&lookAndFeel=oracle&colorScheme=blue 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

External hard drive for both Mac and PC

I've been using external hard drives for a while now. Recently i switched to Mac, I was able to use these hard disks and retrieve documents and files. However i was not able to write to them with "Not recognizing the external hard drive".  Here is how i got around:

1. Remember that you loose all data while doing this, so back up on another hard drive
2. Connect your hard drive to a windows O/S computer with either vista or windows 7
3. Open windows explorer and right mouse click and select format
4. Pick exFAT format and 32 kb file block size
5. Format the disk

now it is ready to use. Remember that all data that you have on teh disk is lost and back it up on a different disk before you do any of this.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

webcenter 10gR3 SSO with Portal Infra

Webcenter Installation - port 7780
Oracle Portal IM Installation - port 7777
Oracle Portal MT Installation - port 7778

Export ORACLE_HOME=/orclportal/ora/im

[localhost oracle /orclportal/ora/im/sso/bin]$ ./ssoreg.sh -oracle_home_path /orclportal/ora/im -config_mod_osso TRUE -site_name localhost.localdomain:7780 -remote_midtier -config_file /orclportal/ora/im/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/myosso.conf